Travelling as a Student: How to Globetrot with a Limited Budget

Travel is such a fun way to learn more about the world, but often, students cannot afford to do so, unless their parents are footing the bill.
With all the expenses that come with being a student (buying books and school supplies, paying for gas or dorm rooms or apartments, photocopying, etc.) and a very limited living allowance, how can young people travel the world without going into some serious debt? Here are some tips.
Be smart about your money
Students have different sources of money: scholarships, allowance (as provided for by one’s parents), and part-time jobs. Of course, it is not always easy to make ends meet with whatever little cash you have at hand as a student—what more for traveling?
The best way to save up some money is to put a lid on other useless expenses: stop buying expensive yet low-quality clothes, going out every day, or paying for take-out all the time. Take on a part-time job if you have some extra time in your hands, and save your pay check in a savings account that you cannot easily access.
Apply for an international exchange or study program
This option is the most popular among students who wish to travel the world. Often, the university you are currently enrolled in are linked to partner universities in different parts of the world. The international universities will be definitely glad to take a few students on every year, and you can earn credits for your travels as well. There are also plenty of scholarships offered for these programs, and while you have to go through the arduous process of application, you will have the chance to see more of the world for free.
Become a volunteer
There are plenty of work away programs for young people (especially college students) that you can explore to see more of the world. Some organizations might charge a minimal fee for processing, but you can enjoy free food and accommodation. If you do not have anything to do during summer vacation or spring break, then volunteer for an organization whose cause is quite close to your heart. Plus, volunteering will look good on your resume.
Apply for a holiday working visa
If you are a student or a recent graduate who want to immerse him or herself into another culture, then a holiday working visa is for you. Australia and New Zealand offers plenty of opportunities for those who want to enjoy a holiday while working amidst the beautiful scenery.
Apply for a cultural exchange program
Government offices typically offer undergraduates a chance to explore another culture through an exchange program (which usually lasts from two weeks to a month). Students who will receive this grant can enjoy free transport within the destination country, accommodation, food, and other related costs. Some universities also offer additional grants for their students who have successfully applied to such programs, such as subsidies for the plane tickets, visa applications, and even vaccinations.